Wednesday 9 February 2011

This week we finally edited our movie for healthy living. We had completed the filming and voice overs, and just had to edit it all together. Sounds simply enough but thanks to a number of factors we had to edit our movie three times before it eventually worked. We had a lot of trouble with the sound and how to make sure it matched the right section of the movie. On reflection, i feel that we may have made our movie slightly to complex. Every piece of audio had to be a seperate file and we then wanted backing music to accompany it. I think that if I ever attempt this in a classroom, the children would need to be very clear that they must keep it simple.
However, the filming was enjoyable and i feel we worked well as a group by working together, sharing the tasks, and using each others strengths, e.g Ruth's knowledge of french. I am also very pleased with the final product. I feel that we have created a movie that could be shown in any year of primary school to help them make a smoothie. I think it is simple, clear and easy for the children to follow.
Even though the process was challenging at certain points and I may think twice before getting the children to create a movie themselves. I would definitely use it to demonstrate a process or even create a whole class movie maybe to show the work we had been doing for our topic. I think it could be a very useful tool to use with the pupils and the parents as well. it will help involve the parents even more in the childrens lives at school. A movie could also be used for help demonstrate almost any area of the curriculum so is a very broad resource in that it can help you demonstrate anything, e.g WW1, HWB, a play, their stories...
Here, is our movie on "How to make a smoothie!"

I think that creating a movie could be a great resource for children to tell stories they have created. As the learning Discovery (2006) says, "ICT-powered story-telling lets everyone have a go at being creative." It goes on to explain that ICT can help children tell their stories in new and inventive ways. I think that using a movie to enhance their stories will help children who work best with visual aids will be able to express their ideas that they might not be able to express through writing.

The learning discovery (2006) Creative ICT in the classroom:Using new tools for learning Stafford: Network Continuum Education

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